It's Official! (not according to any government agency yet... but that will come soon enough) I AM EMILY TRANDEM!!
The wedding was FANTASTIC couldn't have gone better (aside from not getting a chance to talk with practically anyone - seems to be a normal complaint from newlyweds though) The weather was sunny, the ceremony was quick and fun, the view from our hotel room was spectacular!
Toronto was AMAZING the city is so alive and clean and surprisingly easy to navigate. We lived it up - really tasty dinners every night, took Lincoln and Cadillac car services to and from the airport and the concert Friday night which was by the airport. Went on a day trip to Niagra falls (it's a little like High School -- everyone should do it at least once) and were cold and wet. We saw some local music at a hole in the wall bar (Paul played - that was cool to see). We saw some non-local music when we went to the Rock Band II concert and saw Panic! at the Disco and Dashboard Confessional (sadly, we got there late and missed Plain White T's and the Cab). It was a pretty fun time.
Our wedding photos are up on the AWESOME photographer's blog I won't post the direct-to-us link here, because I think all her work is beautiful and worth seeing -- but if you don't want to wade through a bunch of people you don't know -- she has a search bar near the top of the page. The engagement photos are there too -- as well as pictures of my new Brother and Sister in law (Jon and Jenna).
Now all that is left is cleaning the wedding vomit (figurative, of course -- but just as overwhelming) out of the house and garage, changing my last name officially, staging this house and picking out a new one and moving ---- any volunteers ;)
Knitting content will commence when knitting happens.